
April 4, 2023

Nostalgia and New Visions From the Arneis Quartet

On Friday, violist Daniel Doña sounded especially at home in this harmonic world in his opening solo and frequent interludes.

On Friday, violist Daniel Doña sounded especially at home in this harmonic world in his opening solo and frequent interludes.

Lev Mamuya
San Francisco Classical Voice
November 4, 2018

Britten’s Pure Admiration for Purcell

The Arneis Quartet... ably met Britten’s demands for the expressive possibilities of the quartet medium. Doña also wrote the very lucid, erudite program notes.

The Arneis Quartet... ably met Britten’s demands for the expressive possibilities of the quartet medium. Doña also wrote the very lucid, erudite program notes.

Bettina A. Norton
Boston Musical Intelligencer
November 3, 2017

Wordless Poetry, Singerless Song

The fragments forced each quartet member to transform with frequent fluidly from accompaniment to the melody and back, in a strong collaborative outing.

The fragments forced each quartet member to transform with frequent fluidly from accompaniment to the melody and back, in a strong collaborative outing.

Ian Wiese
Boston Musical Intelligencer
September 19, 2017

Literary And Musical Circles Mix Things Up For Allen Ginsberg In A New Late-Night Series

November 1, 2016

The performance side of this album is expertly handled by the Arneis Quartet... Ensemble, tone, and atmosphere could hardly be improved...

The performance side of this album is expertly handled by the Arneis Quartet... Ensemble, tone, and atmosphere could hardly be improved...

Colin Clarke
Fanfare Magazine
May 2, 2016

Mendelssohn Beyond the Facile

The challenge for performers when taking them on is to make music out of all that craftsmanship. The Arneis Quartet was able to accomplish this brilliantly...

The challenge for performers when taking them on is to make music out of all that craftsmanship. The Arneis Quartet was able to accomplish this brilliantly...

Tom Schnauber
Boston Musical Intelligencer
April 23, 2015

Musical Connections to T. S. Eliot

In this unfamiliar repertoire, what stood out was their versatility and balance

In this unfamiliar repertoire, what stood out was their versatility and balance

Brian Schuth
Boston Musical Intelligencer
April 3, 2015

Arneis Quartet at BU’s Morse Auditorium

As the concert drew to a close, the logic of the programming sank in—with a first half so sublimely played and a second half so intriguing, the pairing was ultimately very satisfying, the excitement remaining days later.

As the concert drew to a close, the logic of the programming sank in—with a first half so sublimely played and a second half so intriguing, the pairing was ultimately very satisfying, the excitement remaining days later.

Three Blind Mice with a College Education
November 18, 2014

Mendelssohn and Wolf Seeking Connections

The playing had passion but also impressive dynamic and rhythmic unification, and ability to turn on a dime.

The playing had passion but also impressive dynamic and rhythmic unification, and ability to turn on a dime.

Geoffrey Wieting
Boston Musical Intelligencer
April 5, 2013

Crisp Yet Full-bodied Blend from Arneis

...each rather brings his own voice to the whole, and the blend is singularly beautiful: sweet but with the sweetness of clear water— not at all cloying.

...each rather brings his own voice to the whole, and the blend is singularly beautiful: sweet but with the sweetness of clear water— not at all cloying.

Elisa Birdseye
Boston Musical Intelligencer
December 6, 2011

Liquid Gold from Arneis

relatively young quartet, they have already achieved something it often takes years to develop: a unique, collective sound which is as warm and full of sparkle as liquid gold

relatively young quartet, they have already achieved something it often takes years to develop: a unique, collective sound which is as warm and full of sparkle as liquid gold

Elisa Birdseye
Boston Music Intelligencer

RUEHR 'Icarus' and other chamber music

Guy Rickards